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The Truth About Our Ego


Our Ego helps us manage the necessary psychological and social developmental stages of life. Helping us navigate trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, identity, generatively, and integrity. It helps us adapt to our environments. This psychoanalytic idea of #ego helps us understand how our mind reacts to the world and mediates between our instincts, drives, and impulses (Id) and the demands of a social world and ourselves in it (Superego)our Ideal self, our conscience, & the social norms & prohibitions.

Sometimes when we see the word ego it is used to reference Self, self-importance, or self-esteem. We may find ourselves too focused on this limited self-perspective and lose the connectedness and mindfulness that helps nurture our relationships, a fuller view of ourselves, and our place in the world.

The Voice

The voice of the ego does not always speak the #Truth. The ego is structured to protect you, to help you defend against real or perceived threats (defense mechanisms like denial, suppression, sublimation, displacement, etc.) but it can get in the way and keep you from growing.

Encounters Of The Same Kind

When we continue to encounter the same unresolved issues and respond to them in the same unhelpful ways, our sense of contentment and peace is disrupted. Practicing #selfawareness (and/or working with a psychoanalytic therapist) will help you recognize the parts of you that are adaptive and those that get in the way. Your true self will be discovered as you navigate and integrate all the aspects of self at each stage of life

" When we become more self-aware and integrated, and we focus our attention on our mind-body-spirit connection, we find inner peace that will allow us to truly shift our mindset, navigate life's challenges, and grow.”

In the meantime, the key is to connect to Spirit in whatever way you can. In Nature, Universal Consciousness, God, Art; something bigger than yourself.

Find peace however you can.


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Ready to Embrace What’s Next?

Whether you're struggling with a recent tragedy, a big transition, or if you're just tired and overwhelmed and want to evolve into the next version of you, I want you to know that you're not alone.

Our brains and our bodies continue to change and develop as we age, and with that come crossroads, turning points, twists and turns that can leave us with overwhelming uncertainty on what should come next.

Taking that next step and embracing the next version of you requires a deep understanding of who you are and who you want to be. If you're craving deep self-awareness, continuous growth, and healing, I'm here to help.

My Windows to Extraordinary membership is a holistic transformation program designed for women just like you. I open the doors to new members twice a year and I'd love for you to join us. Learn more here.

My in-person and self-guided retreats are intentional, powerful escapes from your everyday to focus on what YOU need most in order to thrive. See what's coming up in-person here or purchase your own self-guided retreat to experience on your own time.

All my best,



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