Are you satisfied or confident with the amount of time and energy you put into your personal finances? If you're not, you're not alone. I've heard from so many of you who struggle to balance that area of their life effectively. But, I have good news for you.
The first direction on the road to rebalancing is the awareness of imbalance. When we are aware we can make conscious choices.
When we are balanced in life we can more meaningfully connect to others, become more fully ourselves, and enjoy a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
How aware are you about your financial health? Is this an area in your life worth exploring?
When we are balanced in our relationship to money we have financial freedom and the freedom to lend that energy to another area of our life. When we acknowledge our financial reality, we gain perspective on past experiences (ours and our family’s spending, earning, & security), understand our personal lessons about money, explore our fears of scarcity and hopes around abundance, and focus on how all these stories can support or distract from all the other areas of our life. If we are fully informed of what we have, what we need, and our goals we can create a financial plan that supports our lifestyle and puts us more at ease. Our experiences of money influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Left unexamined we are often filled with dread, overextend, or create unhealthy habits around money which increases stress, and these patterns repeat in a vicious cycle. When me make the unconscious conscious we open up possibility.
Does any of this resonate with you? Do you want something to shift for you in your financial story?
Review this balance wheel and ask yourself how satisfied you are with each area of life. No matter where you are in your financial balance you can benefit through self-exploration.
You can start by asking yourself:
What gets in the way of you looking at your full financial picture?
What keeps you stuck in the same patterns of managing money?
Are you sabotaging your efforts at financial freedom?
It starts with awareness. It starts with understanding our story of money. We can then begin to rewrite our story of money and make different choices that align with our ideal healthy financial lifestyle.
What is your story of money?
When we create the time and space to practice free-associative journaling surrounding the history of our relationship with money, we are empowered to move through the roadblocks of fear or shame & the limitations of our vision.
Remember — It’s not in being perfect, but in achieving self-awareness & balance in everything we do that we find the infinite possibilities for our ideal health and lifestyle.